
My travel article about tirana


Today wad published  my travel story about Tirana in Matka (in English: Travel) magazine under the title "Refreshing weekend in Tirana". The magazine came out today, and the story is only available as a single copy or as a continuous digital subscription. There was a three-year break from travel stories, the reason being corona. I hope there won't be such a long break in the future!
15.11.2023My travel article about tirana
18.02.2022Article about the political cartoons in Finland
18.01.2022My article about Jämi gliding centre 1935-1944
30.12.2021Monthly articles about collecting vintage cameras
06.12.2020My text about travel tips for Tirana, Matkaopas 7/2020
18.07.2020Travel article about Nykarleby, Jakobstad and Karleby
27.06.2020Travel article about Reposaari, Finland
17.10.2019Travel article about Dalarna, Sverige
27.06.2019Travel article about Sastamala
02.05.2019Travel article about Rethymnon

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